We will found for you any kind of commercial company... complex changes... transformation of basic assets into euro currency...
We will found for you any kind of commercial company or cooperative society including new types of
companies such as European company or European association, other (non-profit) legal people, societies, institution.
Within the framework of complex services we will assure for you administrative formalities towards all required institutions.
There was never easier time for establishing your company. For your convenience, only one visit is needed at notary office
and we, BELLEUS Consulting, will handle the rest.
We will ensure complex changes in these companies, in their bodies, subject activity and residence. We will arrange and
organize plenary assemblies of companies, provide for the program flow of plenary assemblies and the fulfilment of legal
obligations linked with annual plenary assemblies.
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We will ensure transformation of basic assets into euro currency! Transformation of basic assets into euro currency is
statutory obligation of all companies composing basic assets.
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If you require to commence with your business immediately...
In case that you desire to dispose with company in a short time period and founding a new one would be too sluggish, we have
a solution. We are offering you to buy a commercial company founded by us, so called ready-made according to actual offer.
In this manner you become an owner of company also till 24 hours and you may act immediately as legal person.
Ready-made companies
- are immediately ready for sale
- are registered in the Commercial Registry - with assigned CRN
- were founded exclusively in order to sale to client
- never performed any business activities
- are registered for income tax respectively for VAT
- do not have any debts nor obligations
- their basic assets are paid up to full amount
We always have for you ready-made.
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Possibility to be registered on prestigious address directly in the historical centre of the capital city - Bratislava...
In case that it is not for you convenient to have permanent seat including office space and equipment either from
financial or organizational point of view, our company will provide you an opportunity to register on prestigious
address directly in the historical centre of Bratislava. The company seat is one of the basic and inevitable requirements
in order to run business in Slovakia. Due to our services of providing formal seat you are able to commence with your
business activities without the need of renting costly office spaces - your company may be founded and you will have
enough time for its establishment. We will receive and deposit your post at no cost and if needed it may be forwarded
to you either in electronic or physical way.
After establishing your business, in case of interest we are able to search for you appropriate office space matching
your particular needs. Furthermore we will provide you support in the forthcoming stages of your business activities.
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Not only helps to run your business but offers you also...
BELLEUS Consulting will not only help you to run your business but offers you also further services inevitable for the
accurate performance of your company. Besides above mentioned changes in your company we will provide you also various
additional licenses connected with running business, residence permission, we will unload you from various administrative
obligations which must be handled by any company in Slovakia.
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Web design... corporate design... printing and production...
Also in the field of IT services as well as marketing and advertising services we are able to provide you with a
comprehensive support. In collaboration with our well established partners we are able to create individual, identical,
for your organization typical image which fits to your company´s philosophy and its aims. We will arrange webpage
generation (web design), corporate design (logos, proposal for advertising materials, corporate design) as well as
printing and creation of business cards, flyers, posters and other advertising and publicity articles.
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Complex accounting and auditing services as well as accounting and tax consulting...
Every entrepreneur is obliged to carry out financial accounting which severity depends from the company´s activities
and size. Our company will provide you complex services regarding accounting and auditing as well as accounting and tax consulting.
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Do you have a valuable business plan or idea?... Are you planning to realize a business project?...
Do you have a valuable business plan or idea? Are you planning to realize a business project? Our company will provide you
help and support with financing, credit mediation for financing your project
as well as contacts with individual investors. We will elaborate your business plan, provide inevitable licenses
and present you idea to appropriate investors.
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Right of intellectual property and industrial rights...
In collaboration with qualified patent representatives we are able to fulfil your needs also in the field of rights of
intellectual property and industrial rights - patents, trademarks registration.
Did we arouse interest? Please go over to contact form.
Services related to translation and interpretation into majority of world and European languages...
Our complex due diligence towards commencement and good running of your business contains also service mediation
related to translation and interpretation into majority of world and European languages including official and juridical
translations. You simply insert your requirements and our company will provide whatever is needed.
Did we arouse interest? Please go over to ordering form.
Our company will cover complex organization and program flow...
Our company will cover complex organization and program flow of above mentioned events including finding
of appropriate space, material and technical equipment. Possibility to make use of transportation, driver, accommodation and
accompanying services.
Did we arouse interest? Please go over to contact form.
BELLEUS Properties...
Division of our company - BELLEUS Properties will offer you complex services related to fixed assets, purchase,
vending and renting of flats, homes, premises, commercial space and services focused in investing in real
estate. For further information please do not hesitate to visit our
Complex business consulting and supporting services in business activities. All this covered under BELLEUS Consulting.